The Memphis 13 to be featured on PhillyCAM

The Memphis 13 will be screening throughout March and April in the Philadelphia area on PhillyCAM, Philadelphia’s public access network.  PhillyCAM (community access media) aims to promote creative expression, democratic values, and civic participation and is available on both Comcast (channels 66 or 966) and Verizon (channels 29 or 30) cable services in the Philadelphia area.

The Memphis 13 will run on Friday evenings at 6pm through March and April.  It is being paired with another film, Sifuna Okwethu, about the struggle of post-apartheid land ownership and reclamation in South Africa.  Both Sifuna Okwethu and The Memphis 13 were directed by law professions (Daniel Kiel-U of Memphis and Bernadette Atuahene-Chicago-Kent) and their appearance on PhillyCAM is due to the efforts of Regina Austin, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.  Kiel, Atuahene, and Austin are part of a group of law professors exploring the intersection of filmmaking and law through a working group on the Production of Visual Advocacy and Scholarship (PVAS).